After rich kid Elliot Rodger gained worldwide infamy for doing what he did, lots of sexually successful and overtly educated men began thinking about how to profit from sharing their wisdom with the nerd masses. While the problem was already known in the 80s and 90s, nobody bothered to do anything about it, since the feel of the sexual revolution was still intact. Sexual success of ugly men was expected to happen sooner or later, with the majority encouraging them to wait just a little bit more. It is in this environment, still highly enjoyable to the senses of heterosexual men, that Elliot was so angry about missing out on all the fun his more attractive peers were having.
Among the bunch of would-be helpers, who tried to capitalize on the need to help the suicidal boys, Roosh Valizadeh became one of the most famous. While not inventing anything, as most of his ideas existed since the 80s in the more marginal and less politically relevant form, he occupied the minds of many men between the late 00s and 2019. His now barren forum was once a vibrant and very active place for sharing tips on scoring lays, finding the filthiest places possible, exotic philosophical debates, and opportunities to meet interesting persons. After his Christian conversion, which I regard as a failed attempt to move into a more political field, attempt to become Ted Cruz so to say, the forum became a desert, where only hyper-conservative religious LARPers occasionally wander. As a member of that forum, I helped to hasten its demise by instigating a revolt of old-school hedonists, amplifying their dissatisfaction while Valizadeh was still hoping to retain part of his old fanbase through a hybrid discourse, something resembling sensual Christianity. But as that was a move in the wrong direction instead of the correct one, I had no choice but to act in the most provocative manner possible, forcing him to become a religious hardliner and his dissenting fans to found their own forums and sites. So anyone who likes his current positioning needs to thank me for it. I’m talking about you, E. Michael Jones.
But let’s return to the 2014 and the Isla Vista killings. Few remember now, but back then this event felt like a sort of a warning from lone men that they are done waiting. That they want luxurious life they were still seeing in Playboy magazines right now. Chads and Chads-lite like Roosh adopted a “piece of cake” attitude as they always do in any non-blackpilled population. Predictably, the only people whom they managed to help were tall, fit, handsome men with symmetrical facial features and intact hair.

For dating coaches, however, fact that psychological manipulations don’t work for men who are below some empirically deductible level of physical attractiveness was a novelty, an unfortunate discovery they still haven’t decided how to deal with. Backtracking to old forms of conservatism proved fruitless, as no modern state is intent on reducing the civil freedoms of women. These supposedly reformed Pastors talk about marriages and family institutions to men who are unable to get matches on Tinder or to go on a simple date. They are unwilling to throw out the outdated concept of settling down. Roosh settled down from banging Ukrainian girls in Kharkiv to preaching insane stuff to rednecks. He didn’t even marry. His former clients, whether religious or not, are going to settle down from playing video games to playing different video games. Going right-wing feminist, as some of the other coaches opted to, provided similarly terrible results, as such a position doesn’t solve these problems no matter how much “man-up” advices these biological superiors will give. There are limits to the self-improvement of boys who, while in school, were finishing 800m sprint last.
Noticing the pattern, people started demanding proof that supposedly magical techniques indeed work for everyone. Instead of providing them, coaches started to produce fake and semi-fake photos which downgrade their looks.

Then, before and during Donald Trump’s victorious campaign against Hillary Clinton, a paradigm shift happened. Feminist Anita Sarkeesian tried to treat video gaming as any other entertainment industry in an attempt to stamp out sexually alluring content. This backfired spectacularly in a social media scandal known as Gamergate. Although developers eventually succumbed to the wishes of Anita’s handlers, gamers came out of slumber and realized their status as frogs in a pot. Simultaneously, Playboy toned down its content and nearly abandoned nudity, eventually reversing the decision but never returning to the 80s-90s levels of explicitness. Modern Elliot is having fewer reasons to be envious and more reasons to doubt his gender identity. Of course, wild stuff still happens behind the scenes in Dubai and elsewhere. But the masses of nerds were ritualistically humiliated, separated from attractive women, doomed to whine and cry at incel forums.
So what is my take on all this? Is it all so hopeless as blackpillers say? No. Is the “man-up” attitude of redpillers useful? No. And, needless to say, it’s not about the inflated importance of personality as bluepillers think. It is about romanticism, mutual exploitation, intellectual domination.
Those who struggle with establishing intimate relationships will also struggle after establishing them. That’s why it is important to get the most out of each woman whom you conquer to compensate for inevitable suffering. You won’t get kindness but you can get decent sex and colorful memories. That’s why the first tenet of black-red-gold pill is: don’t chase anyone except Stacies!
Their quantity varies from country to country, but all countries have just enough of them for you, the marginal reader of this marginal blog. Once you got the first one, show off. Those girls who are slightly uglier will be trying to match up to the ones you already had. In many cases, it is possible to “upgrade” them by one or two points and many of them would ask for this. Westerners should invest in a legit top-model with a Vogue cover, this will work way better for your future sex life than showing off torso works for sub-6 bodybuilders. Show them how you treat them. Second/third world guys might not pull this off financially and have to promise more. To Stacy, having a promise of a Vogue cover is better than not having such promise, much time can be spent together socializing about her brilliant future. Don’t overstay your welcome. Although lifelong marriage is possible, as proved by Ric Ocasek and Paulina Porizkova, any belittling from her side is a hint that she wants to move on. After this, time works against you and the later your break-up will happen the nastier it will be.
“But how do I get a f*cking Stacy if even a f*cking landwhale refuses to go on a date with me?”. Here we get to a second tenet, which is hoes before bros. Instead of being satisfied with supporting role among superior men, declare the war on them. Being in permanent conflict will preserve enough masculinity to remain the sexual predator while freeing up time that is often wasted on forgettable occupations. Absolutely no grilling, no beer hikes, no soccer, and no venues where you can be outcompeted as a male. Delete Tinder or keep it just to check the progress of your attractiveness. Throw out the gym membership card or, better yet, gift it to her. Go learn makeup or fashion design. If you have no natural desire to know the traditionally feminine stuff better than women themselves, then maybe you’re looking for a genderless companion instead of a woman. Once you know it, you will be able to upgrade her. She will ultimately use it for getting Chads or sheikhs but may help you in finding her replacement. High fashion is not the only place where this is a viable strategy: ballet, gymnastics, the list goes on. You won’t find many feminists in these spaces. This is where women come to be as feminine as possible, where they want to “throw away” their brains. Huge difference when compared to female painters, writers, theatre actresses, and the rest of the artsy types who rely on intellectual or pseudo-intellectual pursuits for personality formation and ego.

“What if I can’t do anything that complex?”. Imagine that you can. Although sounds much like bluepill positivity shit, this differs in the sense that you don’t need to honestly believe in this. You can be the dumbest janitor on Earth with a mania grandiosa worthy of Alexander the Great. This will give you a very useful advantage over all the janitors without mania. Treat dreams as a sort of dynamic, fleeting trance. Yet another reason why dating anyone lower than 7 is useless for anyone but for ugly men especially - no dreams, no trance, no alteration of physical reality, but all the whining, bitching, and frustration.
Although Rodger largely failed to provoke positive changes and brought on asexual woke reaction instead, I think that ugly men should treat him like bolsheviks treated Aleksandr Ulyanov. Lenin’s older brother, who was as dumb as Rodger but extremely influential from a historical perspective. Rodger’s “Twisted World” manifesto, simplistic and eclectic as it is, will outlive all the works of Valizadeh, naturalist and “Christian” alike. Why? Because, unlike Valizadeh, he never forgets what’s it all about - getting access to elite pussy. This is absolutely the most important marker for judging everyone adjacent to the seduction scene or masculinism. What exactly are they doing to help someone like a brilliant Twitter incel bobby_m to get laid? Is this the most important pillar of their public persona or a mere ploy to conscript men for some secondary abstract ideas like nationalism, conservatism, or liberalism?

To summarize. Each time I show my lone ugly mug to self-identified hyper-masculine experts on sexual relationships they start off with either silence or “what can you do, accept your destiny” type of takes. When I continue with showing off my girls they either stay silent or pretend they approve in a rather suspicious tone. When I do the same with incels, they write me off as normie, not bothering to think everything through. Maybe “experts” and incels are united in the desire for everyone to stay the way they are and no pill, no matter how correct it is, will help anyone. Maybe it won't help those who aren't ready to be in conflict with everyone, except the selected few you personally chose for friendship or pleasure.
C'est la vie.